Nikki Le

Principal / Business Coach / Consultant | Nikki Le Consultancy

Nikki Le is a business coach and small salon business consultant specializing in small business compensation, business consulting, goal setting & performance evaluations, pricing, career coaching, personal development and establishing leadership team infrastructure.

She's the principal at Nikki Le Consultancy, a coaching and education firm centering around employer advocacy and support for all beauty professionals. 

Nikki's passionate purpose is bridging relational work dynamics between managers and employees, creating future generations of wealth in our salon workforce through elevating business, career and personal development education. 

She's been an educator, trainer, mentor and advocate to thousands of salon professionals, at every level and  numerous beauty brands. Nikki is a lifelong student of all things psychology, communication, NLP, leadership, self-help and business for most of her life and she feels that in order to be the best educator, one must be the best student. Nikki is a devoted mom of 2 boys, Gavin and Niko and loving dog mom to her rescue doggies Bear and Steely. She lives in Virginia where she writes, coaches, teaches business  seminars, as well as and creates online courses. 

  • Sunday, April 27
    11:00 AM - 11:30 AM (PT)