Data-Driven Salon Summit
Celebrating its 8th year, Data-Driven Salon Summit is a peer-led, hands-on educational experience that brings together owners and managers of salons, spas, barbershops and nail salons to understand how data can lead them to make better business decisions that fuel their growth and success.
Content will center around five main Power Metrics:
Average Ticket
Client Retention
Client Count
SGP (Percent of Service Guests Purchasing Retail)
As part of the Summit, you will take full advantage of the data resources of SALON TODAY to see how you “stack up” against the most successful salons. Related to this we will provide benchmarks and best practices – from the industry’s leading salon owners and experts – to help you drive improvement in a range of areas including retail and service sales, customer service and client retention, staff recruitment and training, marketing and culture development. We’ll also examine the role of technology in today’s salon, and how different salons are using data, software, and online and social activities to drive their business.
This year’s conference will help owners prepare for economic instability in the year ahead by helping them control costs and identify new revenue streams.
Why Attend?
This will be a peer-driven, hands-on experience, bringing together top salon owners and managers – all committed to success – in a facilitated and structured environment where they can better learn how to put their data and salon technology to work.
Additionally, the Data-Driven Summit will host the SALON TODAY 200 Celebration Dinner, to celebrate excellence in salon leadership and management.
This landmark salon business competition names and celebrates 200 salons each year for excellence in leadership and management, establishes important benchmarks and creates a forum where owners can share best practices and successful ideas.
This exclusive party honors the best of the best. In addition to the awards program, SALON TODAY selects six, special excellence awards in leadership, customer service, team culture, philanthropy, business innovation and education and shares their success stories from the stage.

Data-Driven Salon Summit and the SALON TODAY 200 Celebratory Dinner continue to grow in attendance year over year. In 2025 we will be in beautiful Scottsdale, AZ.
Stay tuned as more details are released!