Michael Cole
J. Michael Cole is a Certified Financial Planning® professional and founder of Cole Wealth Management. Michael’s financial planning practice is specifically designed to serve the beauty industry. His areas of focus include personal financial planning and business planning, to include strategies to successfully exit from the business. His passion to serve this incredible industry is fueled by the lack of financial literacy in the beauty industry and his personal investment in his barbershop. Michael co-owns the Daniel Island Barbershop in Charleston, SC. You will find Michael educating at trade shows nationally, to include L’Oréal’s Texture of Change, SalonCentric, Premier, and more. Additionally, Michael is a retired Naval Officer and is married to Elizabeth. They have two boys, Elliot and Nathaniel.
Financial Advisor | Business Advisor | Small Business Owner | U.S. Navy (retired)
Financial Advisor | Northwestern Mutual
Sunday, April 27
3:30 PM - 4:00 PM (PT)