Christine Scovotti

With over 25 years of experience at INTERLOCKS, Christine Scovotti is a seasoned professional and leader within the beauty industry. Rooted in a career jumpstart as a talented makeup artist for over two decades, then pivoting into salon management, Christine’s passion for beauty and fashion is mirrored by her drive to empower women and men to harness their confidence. As the COO & Salon Director, she excels in fostering strong relationships with both employees and clients, serving as a problem solver extraordinaire. Christine is adept at leading, managing, and holding individuals accountable, serving as the steady force behind the organization while driving clarity and communication throughout. Outside of work, she finds solace by the sea, indulging in beach walks, yoga, and cherished moments with her family. Looking ahead, Christine is committed to achieving the metrics outlined in EOS with her leadership team, driving the company towards continued success in the upcoming years.

COO & Salon Director | INTERLOCKS

  • Monday, May 6
    11:30 AM - 12:00 PM (GMT)

Register for Data-Driven Salon Summit

Understand Your Data. Own Your Success.

The Data-Driven Salon Summit is a hands-on educational experience that brings together the owners and managers of salons, spas and barbershops to understand how data can lead to better business decisions to fuel growth and success.